Root Canal

A root canal refers to a common dental treatment designed to save a tooth. The root canal treatment is a dental procedure used to remove infection from the soft center of the tooth. Usually this is because of an abscess, an infection inside a tooth that can cause symptoms such as a toothache or gum pain. Over time, the hard outer layer of a tooth can weaken because of tooth decay or trauma. This can expose the inner tooth to bacteria and infection. Infection in the center of a tooth needs to be stopped before it spreads to the rest the gums and the rest of the mouth. An infection can damage other teeth, gums, your jawbone and even the rest of the body. A root canal treatment can remove the infection and save the rest of the tooth.
The root canal procedure

The procedures involves the removal of the soft tissue, and the hard tissue of the tooth is cleaned and filled. A root canal procedure is very common, done with little discomfort, and is healthier than having the tooth extracted. The process really isn’t much more complicated than having a cavity filled.

Your Smile 32 Dentist may do the procedure in the office, or refer you to a specialist called an endodontist. The treatment can be done quickly and comfortably.

  • First, your dentist will numb the area around the tooth with local anesthetics.
  • Next, your dentist creates an opening in the hard surface of the tooth, and will remove the soft tissue, nerves and any bacteria or infection with special tools.
  • After the removal, the tooth will be filled with a special material which will stop any future infections. You dentist may wait a week before permanently filling the too to make sure the infection is gone. If so, a temporary filling will be used to fill the too until the next appointment to permanently fill the tooth.
  • The tooth, now more brittle than a “live” tooth, will be fitted with a crown. There may be some initial tenderness, but the new tooth will soon feel like the original tooth.

Alternatives to root canal treatment

Because the infection must be removed to stop it from spreading, the only alternative to a root canal is extraction of the tooth itself. Although tooth extraction may be a less expensive option, an extracted tooth can lead to other problems, such a gap that may affect your bite. A root canal can also be less costly than replacing the tooth with a denture, bridge or implant. Your dentists at Manchester RVA Dental Center can explain why a root canal is recommended.